A Generous God

The Church's mission is not merely about maintaining institutions but about embodying God's love.

TheChurch’s role in the world should be to  focus  on the concept of “abundance over scarcity”. Much of the Church’s struggle stems from a mindset of scarcity—fear of limited resources, influence, and relevance. This mindset leads to defensiveness and retreat, as the Church becomes more concerned with survival than with living out its mission.

Contrast the concern of survival  with a theology of “abundance”, where the Church operates out of a sense of God’s overflowing grace and provision. He encourages a shift in perspective, where the Church sees itself as participating in God’s abundant life, with no need to fear for the future. Rather than being fixated on preserving its structures, the Church should embrace creativity, generosity, and openness, trusting in God’s ability to work through it.

Through focusing on importance of relationship the Church can cultivate deep, transformative connections with people inside and outside its walls. The  Church’s future lies not in its institutional preservation but in its capacity to embody and share the fullness of life that God offers.


We are  challenged   to shift from survival mode to flourishing by focusing on relationships, community, and participation in God’s ongoing work in the world. He argues that the Church’s mission is not merely about maintaining institutions but about embodying God’s love and presence in ways that transform lives and communities.

“HeartEdge  expands the imagination of a church captivated by scarcity. HeartEdge is about church becoming fully alive. It seeks to transform church and society through commerce, culture, compassion and congregational life”.

The HeartEdge vision is incapsulated  the book “ A future that’s bigger than the past: towards the renewal of the church

In the book author, Sam Wells focuses  on the idea of Christian hope, of mission, and the future of the Church. He emphasises the need for the Church to move beyond nostalgia and anxiety about its declining influence and to embrace a dynamic, forward-looking faith. He advocates for the Church to reclaim its confidence in God’s abundance and the transformative power of the Gospel.

(click on the book to order a copy)


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