Transforming community and self through gospel reading.

Wisdom in the Community… the Ethos

All people in the gathered community are important and everybody’s contribution is of worth.
We listen expectantly to the word of God knowing that it can be transformational in our lives.

There are no experts…
God has invited us all to be in this place.

We listen hard to the thoughts and experiences of others.
We give thanks for the ways that our lives are re-formed by the encounter:
our story, the story of others and God’s story.

Together we transform the world in which we live out the Gospel.

Amen. So be it!

  • Share opinions and feelings.
  • Hand over control of direction of the conversation to participants and God.
  • Help shape the worship and response of our community.

The Gathering

Come together in small groups.
This might take place over a simple meal or drink.

First Reactions

  • I wonder, what thoughts, ideas of phases we are drawn to in this reading?
  • I wonder, what puzzles or perplexes us?
  • I wonder, what might bring us joy and encouragement?
  • I wonder, what challenges us?

Exploring and Discovering

  • How might other members of the group help with questions about context, background…etc.?
  • What might we want to do more research into when we get home?
  • How we might tell the story aurally?

Personal Impact

  • Is there something in this reading that we will find to be helpful for the ways that we live our lives?
  • Is there something that might challenge us in our response to others?
  • Are there things about this reading that might help us to respond to God afresh, growing our own faith journey?
  • Is there a prayer response that comes out of this reading?

Shaping Community, Worship and Action

  • What title or strap line would we use to illustrate the reading?
  • What music, religious or contemporary, would be suitable?
  • And what images from today’s world?
  • How might we structure our worship together around this reading?
  • What symbolic action might come out of it?

  • What action might the community be involved in as a result of this reading?


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